Rick Simpson, The Godfather of Cannabis Oil, Needs Our Help!

Since 1991, Rick Simpson has been educating the public on how to manufacture, and use High THC Cannabis Oil aka Rick Simpson Oil (or RSO for short). The results of his efforts have been life saving for thousands of patients around the world, who had terminal life-threatening conditions. For many others, the results from Rick Simpson’s shared knowledge have been life changing, given them quality of life, which they could not achieve from pharmaceuticals.

“I want people to know how to heal themselves.” -Rick Simpson 

For several years, Rick Simpson traveled the world, gave lectures and interviews, while authoring 2 books. Through his hard work and activism, Rick has helped pave the way for legalization of Cannabis in many countries throughout the world. He has never used his rediscovery of Cannabis Oil as a means to profit. Rick Simpson has maintained his belief that people have the right to heal themselves, and should have the freedom to grow this miraculous Cannabis plant. 

For the last 2 years, Rick Simpson has been removed from the public arena, and recently shared why. Sadly, he suffered a stroke in May 2018, which left him paralyzed. As a private person, Rick wanted to recover fully focused on doing so, outside of the public’s view. His wife has done an incredible job of taking care of him, and aiding in his recovery. Doctors didn’t think Rick Simpson would ever walk again, but he has been slowly recovering.  The couple lives on income generated from Rick’s books. Unfortunately, it is not enough to help Rick and his wife with the expenses of his recovery. He’d like to fully recover and get back to his mission. The man who has done so much, to help countless people around the world, now needs our help. 

How can you help?

You can support Rick Simpson by buying one of his books or by making a donation.

Make a donation in support of Rick Simpson via GoFundMe:

Buy one of Rick’s books at: www.simpsonramadur.com

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