The Cannabis Awards – Inaugural Edition

The Cannabis Awards are for us, and by us. The Mike Wise Show brings us this annual community awards, without any corporate financing or donors. The Cannabis Awards gives the people a voice, to not only nominate those deserving of recognition for their contributions within the community, and beyond, but to select the winners in a totally transparent poll. By us, for us. Congratulations to everyone who was nominated, and to all of our winners. Thank you for all you do! 

”Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.” –Sherry Anderson

There are many categories for awards in this Inaugural Edition of The Cannabis Awards. The Cannabis Community voted for the nominees, and winners, of Best Event, Activist of the Year, Advocate of the Year, Outstanding Patient , and Community Superstar. 

The nominees for Activist of the Year:

  1. Simpa Carter
  2. Phil Monk
  3. Rick Simpson
  4. Madeline Martinez
  5. Callie Blackwell
  6. Corrie Yelland
  7. JJ Clements

Congratulations to our 2 winners for Activist of the Year!

Callie Blackwell:

Callie Blackwell

After illegally curing her son Deryn’s 2 different types of cancer with Cannabis, Callie Blackwell has dedicated her life to helping others to do the same. She continues to make a huge impact and difference in our world, working closely with many organizations, to ensure the terminally ill have access to Cannabis to greatly improve or prolong their lives. 

Corrie Yelland:

Corrie Yelland

After saving her own life with the help of Cannabis Oil, and curing her cancer, Corrie Yelland has been on a mission to help many others do the same. She has helped thousands of people, and changed many lives in all she does. Corrie dedicates 12-14 hours per day to helping cancer patients survive with the help of the plant, and co-hosts a  radio show, Cannabis Health Radio, interviewing patients from around the world who have had success with using Cannabis medicinally. 

The nominees for Advocate of the Year: 

  1. Vera Twomey
  2. Rev Brandon Baker
  3. April Weaver
  4. Gino Kenny
  5. Louis “Bubba” Zerobnick
  6. Sean Kiernan
  7. Kamani D Jefferson
  8. Shona Banda
  9. Chay Godfrey
  10. Trev Coleman
  11. Lisa Quarrell
  12. Tanine Montgomery
  13. Linda Sinclair
  14. Deb Brown
  15. Lee Harris
  16. Karen Gray
  17. Hannah Deacon

Congratulations to our 4 winners for Advocate of the Year!

April Weaver:

April Weaver

After having her family directly affected by Cannabis prohibition, April Weaver became a grassroots Activist in Indiana. She is passionate about Cannabis reform, and safer options than pharmaceuticals.

Tannine Montgomery:

Tannine Montgomery

Tannine Montgomery dedicates her life to campaigning for fair access of medical Cannabis for not only her daughter Indie-Rose (who lives with Dravet Syndrome), but for all children who would benefit from medicinal use of Cannabis. Tannine has gone to great lengths to give her daughter the best quality of life, while helping many other families to do the same. 

Lisa Quarrell:

Lisa Quarrell

Former Police officer, Lisa Quarrell, admits to illegally smuggling Cannabis into Scotland, to save her son’s life who suffered from epilepsy. This brave mum chose to risk her freedom, to save her son from partial brain removal, and have a better quality of life with the help of Cannabis. Lisa fights daily so others can access the plant without fear of conviction. 

Hannah Deacon:

Hannah Deacon

Working alongside End Our Pain, on her quest to provide a safer alternative treatment for her son Alfie (who lives with PCDH19), Hannah Deacon helped change medical Cannabis laws in The UK. Hannah continues to advocate for fair access of medical Cannabis for all patients in The UK. 

The nominees for Outstanding Patient: 

  1. Deryn Blackwell
  2. Tonya Sanders
  3. Jenni Christmas
  4. Shane Cognevich
  5. Huanito Luksetic
  6. Alicia Maher
  7. Phillip Anthony Bebington
  8. George Gannon

 Congratulations to our 2 winners!

 Alicia Maher:

Alicia Maher

Alicia Maher replaced opioids with Cannabis.  She is undertaking a PhD in the regulation of Cannabis for medical purposes, and organized a conference at the University of Limerick to highlight limited access to Cannabis in Ireland. She continues to advocate for wider access for all. 

Tonya Sanders:

Tonya Sanders

After the US healthcare system failed Tonya Sanders, she gave Cannabis a try for the first time in her life. Her life was transformed. Tonya is dedicated to sharing her story and helping others to not suffer the way she did. Cannabis has helped her be the RN she set out to be. 

The nominees for Community Superstar

  1. Kerry Cannon
  2. Gary Weevil Youds
  3. Sister Sophia Costaras
  4. Angie Valdez
  5. Deanna Jean (DJ)
  6. Melanie Rodgers
  7. Stephanie Landa
  8. Kayla Farris
  9. Drew & Christina Hausfeld

Congratulations to our winner Gary Weevil Youds!

Gary Weevil Youds

Gary Weevil Youds has been standing against tyranny in the plant war for many years. In the Chillin’ Rooms, he continues to provide a space of music, and great weed, that brings people from all walks of life together in a safe, peaceful space. Despite the many attempts by the botanical terrorists to stop him, up to and including incarceration, Gary persists. He and the Chillin’ Rooms are here to stay. 

The nominees for Event of the Year

  1. DCCC Autumn Expo
  2. Seattle Hempfest
  3. Know Your Roots
  4. Durham 420
  5. Colorado Invitational-Bong-A-Thon
  6. No Co Hemp Expo
  7. 710 Art Fair (Amsterdam)
  8. Cannafest (Prague)
  9. Dab-A-Doo
  10. Marihuana Mars (Ljubljana)
  11. Marsz Wyzwolenia- Konopie (Warsaw)

Congratulations to our two winners!

Durham 420:

Durham 420

Durham 420 is a unique celebration of 420 culture, that takes place across 5 acres of picturesque gardens in Durham. The event is limited capacity, giving attendees the opportunity to relax while learning about Industrial Hemp, Cannabinoids, and the medical benefits of Cannabis, in a county that is infamous for it’s unique approach to judicial leniency toward consumers of Cannabis. 

Know Your Roots:

Know Your Roots

Know Your Roots eco fest tribal gathering, is a true rebel festival. With over 100 workshops, talks, guest movers within the Cannabis Community, and shamanic drums playing, friendships were strengthened, and/or formed. It’s all about the togetherness in the aid of the now rising new Earth, where together we will achieve freedom, love and equity for us all. 

The Cannabis Awards can be found on Facebook at

Before the end of the year, the polls will be open again to nominate hardworking, dedicated, shakers and movers within the Cannabis Community. 

”Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts.” –Alan Cohen

Written by: Kerry Cannon exclusively for

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